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Monday, May 31, 2010

Super Street Fighter 4: Advice for all the Scrubs out there.

I'm creating this post because I'm sick of all the cry babies who play fighting games on line these days, especially Super Street Fighter 4. What the hell is wrong with some people that they think whining to complete strangers is somehow the right thing to do?

I have a little advice to all the Street Fighters out there right now:

1) There is no such thing as CHEAP MOVES when playing competitively online! Different characters have different advantages and disadvantages. To not use all of those moves is to not play the game right! I've had enough of losers quitting on me because they suck too bad to figure out a way around Gouken's angled fireballs. THAT IS HIS ADVANTAGE! Without it, he is a slow old man!

2) People who call you cheap are just trying to get you to play in a way that they can win! They do not have your best interest at heart! Last night I was playing with someone who was using one of the characters with air throws (Guy to be specific) and I mentioned how much trouble I was having getting around it. My friend, trying to be nice, said he wouldn't do them anymore. I was like "What?! Keep doing them! Don't play so I can win because when I finally do beat you, I want to know you weren't holding back!"

3) Giving people bad rating's because you couldn't find a way around their moves is just childish! I used to have impeccable ratings from people who play with me online until I started playing SSF4. A small minority of players get mad and rage-quit when they can't get a move in AND THEN HAVE THE NERVE TO RATE PEOPLE DOWN CLAIMING "UNSPORTSMANLIKE BEHAVIOR" (it's an option when you rate people on the 360 in case you didn't know) as if everyone they can't beat are using hacked 360s and guys with infinite health and turbo fists!

4) The way you choose to insult someone says a lot about who you are as a person. Follow me here folks because I'm about to get deep. When you insult someone you don't know, the thought process goes as such: "Okay, what is the thing that would hurt the most? Well, what would hurt me the most? Okay, I'll say that!" "YOU'RE A VIRGIN!" See the problem with this? First off, I'm a happily married man so those kind of insults don't even make sense in my context. Secondly, you are revealing that you are an sad, pimply teen who fears rejection by the opposite sex by using those insults. When adults insult each other (hopefully rarely as we should have grown out of that by now), we try and pick things that are going to hit home and swear words mixed with sex-life slams stopped being shocking in high school. Grow up or at least get creative.

5) When opponents Rage-Quits and then send me insults, I find it more satisfying then an actual victory. Don't you get what it means when you do this? It says: "You beat me SO BAD that I can't even stand to hang around for the short duration that a SSF4 match lasts anymore! I suck and have lost all hope in ever beating you!" Maybe some of you are too young to realize this, but you will always learn more from losing than winning. The other day I had the opportunity to play against a tournament ranked player and I don't think I won even a single match no matter who my opponent played as! He was kicking my butt with Dan, and I mean Perfect Round kicking my butt. I don't think the match would have been any different if I put my controller down. But guess what? Since that time, my game has been elevated a good 50% (in that my Player Points improved by 50%). It is always worth your time to lose because by losing you will grow as a player.

6) This one ties into #1: Stop whining about so-and-so being overpowered! If the character was really that good, why don't you play as them and win? Juri seems to be taking a lot of flack right now for being overpowered. Two words: She's not. She's just new and nobody is familiar with fighting against her yet. Just like everyone else, she has her weaknesses and strengths. Here's a lark: go online and study up on how to fight against her with your chosen character. Check out EventHubs for some great Capcom Fighting Games info, go on You-Tube and look up some matches (there are plenty of tournament level matches online), or use SSF4's new Replay Channel!

I guess that's all for now. If I come up with some more useful advice for all you scrubby players out there I'll be sure to get right on posting it up. In the mean-time, anyone who wants a decent challenge (I'm not the best... yet!), feel free to message me over Xbox Live at Solamon77. See you all in the ring.